I was consulting by a customer that how much difference between the ISO 7 to a ISO 8 for a standard GMP clean room project.
There is no satisfied standard answer for this question, there are many factors to affect the cost for a clean room project.
Why it is impossible to give you a clean room price per square meter?
1)Ceiling height, in theory, the higher of your clean room, the higher cost per square meter for your clean room.
2)Clean room classification, an ISO7 and an ISO8 are not the same price per square meter.
3)The temperature, humidity, pressure control for your clean room project, the smaller difference gap between the above, the higher price per square meter.
4)The size for the clean room, generally, the bigger for the clean room the lower price per square meter for the clean room project.
5)The distance for each machine and equipment where they installed. The more distance between each other, the higher cost per square meter for the clean room project.
6)Transportation cost is a larger percentage for the clean room project. The longer distance for your site between the manufactory, the higher cost per square meter for a clean room project.
If you have a clean room project on hand, please contact with us, we will go over your design, and do a preliminary engineering and send you a budgetary proposal.